Monday 21 April 2014

Austin's Motion Computing Announces Largest

Ever since the dawn of tablet computers, the electronics world has argued their value not only for gamers and casual users, but for business and professional applications as well. Late Apple CEO and Founder Steve Jobs long argued the iPad's use in the classroom, while other tablet designers have invested resources into making the technology applicable to the healthcare industry. Now, Austin-based Motion Computing, a company dedicated to developing rugged tablet PCs, electronics accessories customized for specific business purposes, and services to accompany the hardware, has announced a major, new contract involving the company's custom tablet platform and the medical devices industry.

According to a company press release, Motion Computing recently announced that it will ship 5,000 CL-series rugged tablets - the largest orders ever fill by the company - to a major U.S.-based medical device company. This impressive order follows a previous order from the client a year ago that totaled 3,000 CL-series tablets.

BioNews Texas reached out to Motion Computing last week via e-mail for further information on the medical device client and the specific application of its tablet technology, and will update this article once we receive an official comment from the company. However, Peter Poulin, vice president of marketing at Motion, noted in the company's press release that,'With over a decade of experience delivering mobile technology solutions to the healthcare industry, these organizations trust Motion's technical excellence, workflow expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction,' and adding: 'We have taken the time to understand how mobile users in healthcare environments work and created tablets, accessories and wireless networks specifically for these clinical settings. This recent win is a testament to the demand for purpose-built technology and effectiveness of our workflow solutions.'

The medical device industry, among the largest and most prominent sectors in Texas biotech, is known for its broad spectrum of applications, from surgical devices to patient-centric products. However, the prospect of bringing together tablet technology with the medical industry suggests a next-generation approach that could lead to a new movement in healthcare and medical aid. For tablet reviews of the best budget tablets

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