LIGHTNING RELEASES - September 22, 2014 - Fort Washington, PA - Tablet computers have taken the tech world by storm. In reverse logistics, optimal repair and screening practices for the new industry are first and foremost on everyone's mind. Luckily, one of those minds belongs to Michael Blumberg.
A leading Service Supply Chain strategist and reverse logistics expert, Mr. Blumberg is offering a September webinar and accompanying white paper on tablet repair, screening, and logistics. These communications form the core of a concerted effort to promote optimal practices in tablet logistics, and help colleagues reach the vanguard of personal computing service.
Mr. Blumberg has over three decades of experience in reverse logistics and aftermarket service consulting. He heads the Blumberg Advisory Group (, a strategic management consulting and market research firm whose analysts use the latest quantitative and qualitative methods to stay at the leading edge of market research, strategic planning, and systems development. Blumberg's services have a proven record of enhancing revenue, of positioning clients to meet challenges and seize opportunities, and of smoothly managing mergers and acquisitions. The group also serves as a platform for Mr. Blumberg's prolific output of books, whitepapers, and educational materials. It maintains a free resource center for current and aspiring reverse logistics professionals, offering a competitive advantage to clients while advancing the field at large.
' New Developments in Tablet Computer Repair ' is Mr. Blumberg's latest publication. It can supplement his most recent webinar or serve as a freestanding resource on forecasts, challenges, and solutions for the tablet industry. The white paper gives an up-to-date brief on current trends and support models in the tablet computer market, a comparative review of proposed screening and repair solutions, and detailed recommendations for the development and implementation of new solutions. Whatever the reader's relationship to the tablet industry, Mr. Blumberg's integrative and evidence-driven approach is sure to yield fresh and actionable insight.
His webinar, ' New Developments in Tablet Computer Reverse Logistics,' differs from the whitepaper in both emphasis and scope. It treats some of the themes developed in the paper, while sharing further analysis and marshalling evidence for a more comprehensive set of recommendations. On the basis of previous viewing, high turnout is expected. To ensure uninterrupted streaming within capacity, attendees are asked to register their preferred time slots in advance.
I have some friends that are on their second tablet already. They didn't bother to find any computer repair services when something went wrong. That seems wrong to me, and a waste of money (never mind the electronic waste being generated).